Human Shoulder Bone

Shoulders provide the perfect frame and structure to the body thus helping the hands to function properly. Shoulders consist of two bones: Scapula and Clavicle. Scapula is the larger bone which is triangular in shape and is located in the girdle of the shoulder. Main functions of Scapula are: protecting the thoracic cage and providing a connection between clavicle and humerus. The shoulder girdle is heavily used for movements and scapula thus provides connections between many muscles used for those movements. Scapula contains of two regions namely coastal and dorsal, both differ in shape and size, coastal being more flat while dorsal is smaller in shape but contains more muscle and ligament attachment covering. Clavicle bone is mainly curvy in shape and is located in girdle of the shoulder. Other name for clavicle is collar bone.

The main and very important function of clavicle is to keep scapula in proper position so that arm movement becomes free and thus having maximum range for its movement. It also provides attachment for many muscles as the scapula and girdle being the one responsible for movements; it is free for the movement because of the collar bone being connected with many other important muscles.

Another important thing to notice is that clavicle does not contain bone marrow cavity but is made of spongy bone. This bone is visible even from above the skin and just where the neck ends, one can notice this bone. Thus, shoulder should be kept in proper movement and exercise should be on the daily to-do lists. If proper care not taken, one may dislocate any of this shoulder bones which results into pain and swelling.

All information regarding human shoulder bones are provided here. For information regarding shoulder anatomy please visit our website.
